City Perpetual Calendar des. Sasha Braulov and Nasya Kopteva


How many New York minutes in a day? Take a few to arrange the beech wood buildings of this perpetual calendar for the appropriate month and then move the little car along the “city block” to mark the current day.

Because the Big Apple is so cosmopolitan, the days of the week are shown in English, Spanish, French and Japanese.

Designed by Russian husband-and-wife team Sasha Braulov and Nasya Kopteva, it’s a whimsical way to track the days on your desktop. We think its gorgeous and great fun too. 

  • Designer: Sasha Braulov and Nasya Kopteva
  • Size: 6.25"h x 7.75"w x 2"d
  • Material: Beech wood
  • Year of Design: 2018