DSR Plastic Side Chair des. C&R Eames, 1950 - pebble shell, white legs (made by Vitra)


By: Vitra

'Getting the most of the best to the greatest number of people for the least': with these words, Charles and Ray Eames described one of their main goals as furniture designers. None of their other designs come as close to achieving this ideal as the Plastic Chairs.

83cm high, 46.5cm wide, 55 cm deep, seat height 43cm. 

The so-called Eiffel Tower base of the DSR chair (Dining Height Side Chair Rod Base), an intricate and graceful construction made of steel wire, combines light, elegant forms with structural strength. The organically shaped plastic seat shell is available in various colours and upholstery options, allowing this distinctive classic by Charles and Ray Eames to be adapted to a wide range of individual needs and preferences.

Seen here with pebble shell and white legs, many choices of colour, finish and material available to order, see in store for details or email thehome@saltsmill.org.uk or call 01274 531163